

Neuling  (1 Punkt)  ·   männlich  ·   Niederlande  ·   Nachricht senden

Setup full Stripe payment not possible ?

Hello, Greetings from Holland.

As a more than 10 years user of W2Date and later Siquando, we made the step to Pro-Shop 4

For now, we are not be able to setup FULL Stripe payment.....yes it works, but only for Credit Card payment (VISA, AMEX, etc)
(Customer can only select Credit Card payment option) Setup in Pro shop in Shop Eighenshaften, Zahlung is correct filled in (API, Secrit, Webhook)

But we also want to offer and setup IDEAL (Holland payment option) and more, for example Bancontact and sofort 
(Yes we did activate it in our Sripe account)

It seems we have to create source objects and needs to be created using either Stripe.js and be implemented in Pro Shop 4

How to implent this in Siquando Pro Shop 4 ?


Note: you may reply in German language, i can read it very well but not write.




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